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melanie harrison

Owner of xploration18 , mum , wife


Owner of xploration18 , mum , wife

im a 38 years young married woman with 4 children, 3 boys 1 girl .

im a carer for my youngest son who has autisum and have started my own little something selling adult items. 

My husband is an amazing man who supports me with all i do. I also have other amazing support.

My local town is redruth. Which has its good points. It's a nice little town. 

I feel im a mentaly strong woman which helps me through alot of thing. My home is an autism house, so it pays to be strong.  

The  autisum can be testing at times but we cope well because we are a strong family unit.

I enjoy helping others, diy and gardening. My nick name is tinkabell as i love to tinker , i like to put my hands to anything. 

Im a social person also but due to health issues I have to limit myself. This is part of the reason I have started up my own business.  I may be limited but it doent stop me. 

I am a strong woman with lots to give . 

im a 38 years young married woman with 4 children, 3 boys 1 girl . im a carer for my youngest son who has autisum and have started my own little something selling adult items.  My husband is an amazing man who supports me with all i do. I also have other amazing support. My local town is redruth. Which has its good points. It's a nice little town.  I feel im a mentaly strong woman which helps me through alot of thing. My home is an autism house, so it pays to be...

Melanie harrison has been a valued Cornwall Link member for 3.5 years.

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