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Monty's Community Cafe and Meeting Area with hyper-fast Wi-Fi, Constantine

Added by
Churches Together in Cornwall
on 16th May 2021

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Monty's is the name we have given to the community cafe and meeting area at the back of St Constantine Parish Church, open daily from 17 May 2021

This facility is free for all to use and include a machine which dispenses a selection of different freshly ground coffee's, hot chocolate and hot water for making tea. All our coffee, tea and sugar is fair trade, the tea bags are un-bleached and do not contain plastic, and the disposable cups are fully compostable.
There is also a free hyper fast Wi-Fi connection (up to 1Gb) which can be accessed within the church. This has been provided by Wildanet, the local Cornish broadband provider who have installed, free of charge, a broad band hub on the church tower roof. What this means is that we now have one of the fastest broadband connections of any parish church any where in the county and indeed the UK. In the weeks ahead the church will be working with Wildanet to become a “Digital Community Hub”. This is a hugely exciting project and will open up a whole raft of opportunities to our community which they have previously been unable to access. There will be more about this as the project develops.
Anyone who would like to become a part of this exciting development is more than welcome. If you are interested then please get in touch with myself for more information.
So why did we call it Monty's? Well Monty, or actually Montgue, is the name of our church mouse. Monty is a little knitted mouse who was discovered by Liz Moore in “The Save The Children Shop“ and was given to Alan Pearce, our then church warden, as a birthday present in 1989 and apart from a brief stay at Truro Cathedral, he has been there ever since keeping a watchful eye on the place. So we thought it only fitting that we should name our cafe after him. Monty does move about a bit so it might be fun for the children to go on a hunt and see if they can find him.
Monty's provides a comfortable place to meet up with friends or a place to relax and access our hyper fast internet connection all set in the surroundings of our beautiful 15th century church. Monty's will be open every day from 10am until 5pm (although there will inevitably be the odd interruption from time to time due to service requirements).

There is also a selection of hand made cards and crafts, and second hand books on sale.

The facilities are free to use however there is a “donation station” which includes a card reader and a cash box, so if you are able to give a donation to help towards our running costs it would be greatly appreciated.

So why not pop along for a coffee and a chat with friends or simply spend some quiet time in our lovely building.


Accessing Monty's Community Cafe and Meeting Area with hyper-fast Wi-Fi, Constantine

Available to
Referral needed?

When: Every week

Starts 17th May 2021

10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
10:00 - 17:00 BST
Open daily ecept during church services

Provided by St Constantine Parish Church

Contact name
Rev Stewart Turner
Email address
01326 340259

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